2023 State Legislative Districts & 118th Congressional Districts


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Maptitude map of state upper and lower legislative districtsThe State Legislative District data product is updated for 2023 and is available as nationwide layers ($1295) or for a single state/territory ($495). The State Legislative Districts product includes the 118th (2023-2024) Congressional District layer, a State Senate (Upper Chamber) layer, and a State House (Lower Chamber) layer. The product also contains a separate layer for the New Hampshire Lower Chamber Floterial Districts.

Boundaries reflect the legally enacted districts at the time of publication (May 2023). Please note that Montana has not yet updated its state legislative districts for the 2020 cycle.

Each State Legislative District layer includes demographic variables derived from the 2020 Census. The Congressional District layer includes demographics from the 2020 Census and the 2021 American Community Survey (ACS).

Provided as a SINGLE USER LICENSE. Requires the latest version of Maptitude or TransCAD software. Please provide your software serial number in the space above when ordering.


Caliper Compact Data Format (CDF) for use with the latest version of Maptitude or TransCAD


SINGLE USER LICENSE for use with a single copy of Maptitude or TransCAD


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