U.S. Block Groups Subscription

$250.00 / year

Your Software Serial Number *

The U.S. Census Block Groups data product is updated for 2024 and contains a nationwide area database with 242,180 block groups and Census demographic data from the 2020 Census, 2010 Census, and 2018-2022 American Community Survey (ACS). Please see the Census Block Groups product page for a complete list of the fields included.

Block Groups are not included with Maptitude or TransCAD. Census Tracts, the smallest level included with Maptitude and TransCAD, are made up of on average four Block Groups.

Provided as a SINGLE USER LICENSE. Requires Maptitude or TransCAD software. Please provide your software serial number in the space above when ordering.

Data Included

45 fields of 2020 Census demographic data, 138 fields of 2010 Census demographic data, 445 fields of 2021 ACS demographic data, 5 fields of buying power data


Caliper Compact Data Format (CDF) for use with the current version of TransCAD or Maptitude


SINGLE USER LICENSE for use with a single copy of Maptitude or TransCAD


For downloads, the install codes and instructions for downloading are emailed after the shipping confirmation email. Download orders received after 3pm are usually processed the same business day, but may be processed on the next business day, excluding US federal holidays.


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