TransModeler SE Traffic Simulation Version 7


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TransModeler SE is a complete traffic analysis solution in one software package for build/no-build scenario management, ITE or custom trip generation, trip distribution, HCM 2010 LOS analysis, traffic signal optimization, MOE report creation, and 3-D visualization.


  • Analyze traffic signal operations on coordinated arterials or at isolated intersections
  • Conduct alternatives analyses for roadway improvement projects on urban streets, freeways, and two-lane highways
  • Evaluate intersection capacity improvements at signalized and unsignalized intersections and roundabouts with simulation-based and analytic HCM 2010 methods
  • Analyze freeway corridors with conventional and emerging interchange configurations
  • Evaluate access management scenarios with the world’s first commercial, off-the-shelf microsimulator for center two-way left turn lanes (TWLTL)
  • Simulate passing on two-lane highways with the world’s first commercial, off-the-shelf microsimulator for rural highways
  • Study the impacts of travel time and travel time reliability improvements on mixed urban street and freeway networks


  • High-fidelity microscopic traffic simulation for freeways, urban streets, and two-lane highways
  • Traffic impact analysis tools with ITE and customizable trip rates
  • Simulation-based coordinated signal system optimization
  • MUTCD traffic signal warrant evaluation
  • HCM 2010 LOS calculation for signalized intersections, unsignalized intersections, and roundabouts
  • Efficient scenario management
  • Compelling, dynamic 3-D animation and visualization
  • Integrated background imagery using web map layers
  • Flexible, efficient road editing tools enabling unmatched geographic and geometric accuracy and level of detail
  • Intuitive data entry and visualization for turning movement volumes and signal timing data
  • Support for a broad range of traffic signal controller parameters, timing variables, and detector geometries
  • Convenient output management for producing reports, tables, and charts for a wide variety of performance measures
  • Map view customization with color themes, labels, annotations, and background imagery
  • Unprecedented software integration and interoperability (TransCAD, Synchro, ESRI shapefiles/geodatabases, Excel)

Licensing and Technical Support:

  • Support free for 30 days after purchase ($275 per hour afterward)
  • No required annual maintenance
  • Single-PC license
  • Available in 85 countries (See drop-down list above) Projects are limited to the country purchased. Additional country licenses available separately.

Compare Products:

TransModeler TransModeler SE
COST $7,000-$12,000 $1995
NETWORK SIZE Unlimited 20 Intersections/
100 Links
SIMULATION TransModeler TransModeler SE
Microsimulation (freeways, urban streets, 2-lane highwas)
Multi-modal simulation (auto, truck, bicycle)
Public transportation (bus & rail operations)
Mesoscopic, macroscopic, and hybrid simulation
DEMAND AND ASSIGNMENT TransModeler TransModeler SE
Turning movement-based demand
Origin-destination matrix-based demand
Origin-destination matrix estimation
Critical link and path analysis tools
Simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment
TRAFFIC SIGNALS TransModeler TransModeler SE
Traffic signal optimization
Simulation-based coordinated signal optimization
MUTCD signal warrant evaluation
Traffic signal priority and preemption
Traffic Impact Analysis toolbox
ITE 9th Edition and custom trip generation rates
Simulation-based HCM 2010 LOS
VISUALIZATION TransModeler TransModeler SE
3-D visualization and animation
Customizable map themes
Built-in Google/USGS web map layer imagery
ITS MODELING TransModeler TransModeler SE
Managed lanes (e.g., high occupancy, toll)
Reversible lanes and dynamic lane and shoulder use management
Advanced traffic control and management devices (e.g., dynamic message signs, ramp metering)
Integrate with TransCAD
Import from other planning platforms
Import Synchro networks, signal timings, and volumes
Open Esri shapefiles/geodatabases
Import from/export to Excel



Device 64-bit 8 or 10; Internet connection for download; 16GB RAM; 1GB disk space for program files plus additional disk space for geographic files


For downloads, the install codes and instructions for downloading are emailed after the shipping confirmation email. Download orders received after 3pm are usually processed the same business day, but may be processed on the next business day, excluding US federal holidays.